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Meet Jamie,

owner of Rose Oak Wellness…

I’ve been in the alternative health world for the past decade, starting in the pet industry and moving my interests into how to live a healthier life for myself and my family (not just the 4 legged ones). All of my life, I’ve been interested in natural alternatives. After several health crises that led to western medicine failing me, I became passionate about getting back to the roots of health and wellness. It became more important to me to figure out how to support a healthier lifestyle, and how food as medicine could not only heal, but also aid in prevention. Friends and family have always come to me to ask what products I like and trust. I’ve decided that not only do I want to recommend these products to my loved ones, but I want to share them with anyone that could benefit from them. The only products you will ever find in my shop, are those that I trust enough to use on myself and family.

I believe true wellness is found when there is balance in our lives physically, mentally, and spiritually. I’m a budding clinical herbalist, and as my own experiences and education increase, so will the services that I offer. Stick around, there are so many good things to come!